Welcome to TRiO!

This picture is about a student get advisor help from TRiO for FAFSA submission and starting college education
Keep Calm, TRiO Works

Welcome to Club

Welcome to the Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) TRiO program!

We are excited to have you join our program and support your journey toward higher education. We aim to provide the resources and support you need to navigate the college application and earn a degree successfully.

As a participant in the EOC TRiO program, you will have access to a variety of services that you have reviewed already here, including:

We understand that the college process can be overwhelming, but our dedicated staff is here to guide you every step of the way. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

Thank you for choosing the EOC TRiO program. We look forward to working with you and helping you succeed!

You will have many resources available to you. One of them is our Pathful platform. Those of you who want to enroll in college, use comparison tools how to navigate and compare colleges before enrollment, want to transfer to a four-year school, want to work on your resume/cover letter/find an internship/job, apply for FAFSA/Financial aids/scholarships/etc. We have prepared for you all the tools you need. During one of our workshops, our navigators will assist you and train you on how to use the platform. 

If your need is one of the above, after you attend one of our workshops or meet one of our navigators, you will learn how to use the platform. 

You can log in by clicking here or using this link 

Please use your temporary credentials as follow:

Username: Your email address

Temporary  password: 123456

Instruction: Next page

Please feel free to use the instruction and navigate the platform to find internships, and jobs, prepare your resume, and cover letter, compare colleges, find financial aid/scholarships, and many more!

You can contact our navigator and get any information and update you can reach them via TRiOSupport@sceus.org

Alo feel free to contact us via TRiO@sceus.org or call (916) 504-9391 if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you!

SCE Pathful Mini User Manual_Exp_VJSPath_22_Manual.pdf

Some resume samples: A combine list is here.

“What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”                         Friedrich Nietzsche 

Job Hunting! (Career Pathway)

The technology provided many tools and advanced career development. The competitive work environment has made employers and panel interviews anticipate higher skill levels and performance from the candidates they meet and hire. The career pathway is a dynamic process. Adjustment, development, and improvement are essential. Finding a job is not the only element we should focus on. Instead, the capability of keeping employment should be a vital component of a career plan. 

Most of the time, the keyword we use to search on Google is “Find a Job” instead of “Career Pathway,” “Career Planning,” or “Career Development.” 

Job is not something you should look for and find it. Instead, a career or profession is something we should develop a path and brainstorm a strategy and have a checklist to follow in order to get what we want.

Different organizations offer different steps and strategies to build a path for a variety of capabilities. Following are our suggestions based on what our team has experienced.

Steps hunting employment:

Before searching for a job, you should make a Career Plan, which has short and long-term goals that require specific actions in a timely manner. Some of the steps suggested are as follows: 

Some hiring processes consist of multiple interviews. It depends on the employer, specialties, and many more. The employment steps also will vary from employer to employer. You should be prepared for in-person or virtual meetings. It also may take several weeks or even months to hear from some employers, especially in government fields. 

Sometimes you may get a position very fast. But if you didn’t get it, don’t be disappointed. According to a Forbes report, on average, 118 people apply for any given job. Only 22% will be invited to interview. These are just some statistics that vary from position to position. The higher your education and specialties, the easier your employment journey. 

If you got a rejected letter or email, it is perfectly fine to politely ask the recruiter or employer for more detailed feedback about your interview in order to help you improve. You shouldn’t blame yourself. Remember, “Never Give Up” because the last key could open all locks, and “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” 

Remember, “Never Give Up.”

Some interview questions!

Here are some general interview questions and following answers that can be asked in almost any interview, regardless of the position or industry:

Some useful links

Following are some websites that you can search for jobs:

Following are some good resources for those who want to be intendent contractor or freelancer: