English as a Second Language

We are dedicated educators with a primary mission to assist underserved individuals in enhancing their personal and professional lives by acquiring proficiency in the English language and honing their career-specific skills. Our approach to teaching English centers around equipping learners with practical, real-life communication skills that are essential for their everyday survival.

In our ESL sessions, we comprehensively address the diverse needs and requirements of new arrivals, particularly refugees. Our curriculum encompasses various vital areas, ensuring that participants gain the necessary knowledge and capabilities to thrive in their new environment. During these sessions, we provide hands-on guidance and practice on how to complete a wide range of forms and applications. To gain insight into the multiple applications covered in our ESL courses, we invite you to explore our New Arrival Essentials page. Some of the subjects that we are covering during our Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking English sessions are such as:

Basic financial literacy

Open bank account

Apply for credit card

Ways to save

How to invest
    Apply for FAFSA for school

Cover Letter
Interview preparation
Job/internship search
Virtual shadow